To achieve a new level of performance, we need a new way of thinking.
This multi-year program is for organizations who want to reap the benefits a strengths-based culture. Align your strategy, systems, and processes to create ownership, accountability, and sustain the results over time.
Our proven 5-phase approach will will equip your leaders with the knowledge and materials to maximize human performance and create world-class organizations through strengths.
Gallup research shows that employee engagement can double when leaders leverage the strengths of their people. This program will equip your leaders with the knowledge and materials to maximize human performance and create world-class organizations through strengths.
We begin with a pre-meeting to discuss your specific objectives. The program is tailored to meet your schedule and the goals for your leaders.
All participants will receive the CliftonStrengths® assessment, Strengthsfinder 2.0 e-book, and access to online learning modules.
Only 34% of the US workforce is engaged in their work. Your company can double that number.
This program helps managers discover a simple framework to measure and unlock the potential of their teams. With a focus on learning through application, managers at all levels discover how to boost employee engagement through the meetings and conversations they already have.
We begin with a baseline assessment of your organizations engagement. Using this feedback, we train your managers to understand the key factors which truly drive employee engagement higher, and empower them with the information and tools to make it happen. Every team will build an engagement action plan to connect engagement to performance outcomes.
The program includes baseline and follow up engagement surveys using the Gallup Q12®, and all participants will complete the CliftonStrengths® assessment.
No matter what type of changes your organization will face, people experience predictable stages of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
This half-day workshop teaches participants what to expect in each stage, and actions to take to move themselves, and then help others navigate changes at work or in life.
Empower the individuals and teams in your company to constructively move through resistance, successfully adapt, integrate and sustain change for long term benefit.
An additional half-day workshop on Leading Change provides leaders with a toolkit to lead change in their organization, applying what they discover in the first half to manage organizational changes. All participants will receive a quick reference card and access to the leading change toolkit.
Most lean programs focus on eliminating waste, but don’t do much to build on the people side of Lean. This program fully develops both pillars of Lean: continuous improvement and care for people. Unlock the potential of your people to bring your manufacturing operations to new heights.
Partner with experts in both Lean Six Sigma and CliftonStrengths® to maximize your human potential in the Lean journey. Whether your are new to Lean or new to Strengths, or both, this program is tailored to provide beginner, intermediate, or advanced tools to optimize your teams' performance.
All participants will receive the CliftonStrengths® Assessment and Lean Manufacturing Toolkit.
Are you looking to fill your talent pipeline? How many succession candidates are ready to step up? Improve retention, employee development, and overall performance using this program.
Participants in this full-day workshop discover various type of career development options and dispels the myth that development = promotion. They will learn how to write SMART goals, gain access to new development resources, and follow the 70/20/10 principle to professional development. Each participant will finish the course with their own individual development plan for the upcoming year.
Assess your Entrepreneurial Talents and needs as a business owner, and discover your Alpha Builder Role. This program is excellent for those who are considering whether or not to start their own business, or for existing entrepreneurs who want to build a business they currently own.
The custom program is tailored to meet your needs and timeline. Discover what sets you apart, and develop strategies based on your strengths to create or grow your business.
All participants will complete Gallup's Builder Profile 10 (BP10)® assessment and receive a copy of Born to Build.
Bring out the very best in your teachers and staff! This two-day (12 hour) program is designed to fit within your faculty professional development days during the school year.
The program begins with a focus on the educators' individual strengths, then focuses on how to bring out strengths in the classroom and closes with team building activities to strengthen relationships throughout the school.
All participants will complete the CliftonStrengths® Assessment and receive a copy of Teach with Your Strengths.